Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

When you are in a car accident in the State of Georgia, you need to know that you have certain rights. When you are injured in a car accident and another party is responsible for the wreck, you are entitled to seek compensation for your injuries and, in some cases, even more. It is important that you speak with a Georgia car wreck lawyer as soon as you are injured in order to make sure that you get your best results.

No matter what kind of vehicle you are injured by, such as a truck, bus, or another car, you will need a Georgia car accident attorney to help you get your maximum compensation. For many people hiring a lawyer can be a difficult decision to make, but it is important to make sure that you get a lawyer that you feel comfortable with. The car wreck lawyer you chose should serve Georgia, be experienced and have excellent credentials. If you have been injured in a car accident, call The Berry Law Group. Our car wreck lawyers serve Atlanta, Georgia and are available to come meet you if our office locations are not convenient for you. Get the car wreck legal help you need and call The Berry Law Group today.

Getting A Car Crash Lawyer in Georgia

When you are considering getting a Georgia car crash lawyer, you want to make sure that you get the best lawyer for you. You should begin by doing your research. Do not just settle with the first Georgia car accident attorney that comes to mind. Not all personal injury lawyers in Georgia are equal. Some large car crash law firms in Georgia do not treat their clients well while some law firms are too small and do not have the time or energy to give personal attention to clients. In both of these scenarios, you end up having your case handled mostly by paralegals who are not law school trained. At The Berry Law Group, you will get personal attorney attention whenever you need it. Our GA personal injury lawyers treat every case like our only case and work hard to get you the results you desire.
A personal injury lawyer is important when you were injured in a car wreck or other type of accident in Georgia. After a car wreck injury, you can be injured for a long time or even permanently. This means that you will accrue many medical bills and lose time from work either medical appointments, surgery, or because your injury makes you unable to work for an extended period of time. Getting a car wreck lawyer in Georgia will help make sure that you get the compensation that you need in order to survive during your recovery process. We can also attempt to get extra compensation for your pain and suffering in severe injury cases or cases where the driver exercised extreme negligence.

Car accidents that are liable for compensation to victims are car accident that was caused by driver negligence. The driver can be considered a negligent driver for a number of reasons. Some of the most common reasons are because the driver was distracted by something other than the road, the driver made a driving error, or the driver failed to maintain their vehicle and car problems cause the wreck. In any of these situations the driver's insurance will likely pay for the damages caused to your vehicle, so it makes sense that they should also have to pay for the damages done to your body. Unfortunately, car insurance companies do not always see it this way. For that reason, you should make sure that you have a Georgia car wreck lawyer before you speak to any insurance company.

Car insurance companies are out to make money and therefore do not want to compensate any injured parties. They have been known to make it difficult for victims to collect money and even try and get them to admit that their injuries are not as serious as they claimed them today. Getting a Georgia car wreck attorney is the best way to avoid the hassle of the Georgia car insurance companies. A personal injury lawyer in Georgia can help you get the compensation you need by dealing with the insurance company and making sure that they don't take advantage of you. If insurance companies fail to offer you proper compensation, we do not hesitate to go to trial and present your case in front of a jury so that they can decide how much compensation you should be entitled to.


When you are hit by another car, it can cause serious and permanent injury. In extremely violent car crashes you can experience broken bone, loss of limbs and even death. More commonly, car accident victims in Georgia experience injuries in their neck, brain and head, and back and spine. In these cases you may need long term treatment or suffer a lifetime of discomfort and health issues. When the body is forcibly thrown back and forth in a car crash, the soft tissue around the neck and spine can be permanently damaged. When this happens the tissue cannot be repaired and therefore you can be left with pain, numbness, and flexibility problems. Brain and spinal cord damage can be permanent and affect your motor functions, moods, and other vital bodily functions. If you have been injured in a car wreck and experienced any of these symptoms, call the Georgia car wreck lawyers at The Berry Law Group right now.

If you are injured in a car wreck in Georgia, it is really important to speak to a personal injury lawyer. You need to find out about your rights and the best way to handle your case in order to get maximum compensation. Even if you are not the litigious type, it is important to get the compensation that you deserve in order to provide for your family and make sure that you can get proper medical care. In many of the circumstances listed above an injury can be lifelong and require multiple surgeries, frequent trips to a chiropractor, or expensive medications. Make sure that you will have the money to pay for all these things and speak to the car accident lawyers in Georgia at The Berry Law Group. Call us right now at 678-677-2263.

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