What is a GA Personal Injury Lawyer?

If you are injured in the state of Georgia it is important that you understand your rights. When someone else is negligent and that causes you to become seriously injured, you are entitled to be compensated for your injuries. This includes medical bills to treat your injuries, wages from the time you had to miss work due to your injuries and, in some cases, even pain and suffering. A GA personal injury lawyer will help you get the compensation that you deserve.

A person can ask for compensation for injuries sustained from any type of accident. The most common types are car wreck accident, slip and fall accidents, medical malpractice accidents and more. Injuries can happen at a store or a business or even at a neighbor's house and can range from anything from a swimming accident to an animal bite. If you've been injured in accident call a GA personal what personal injury lawyer at The Berry Law Group, LLC. We are here to help.

Many people who are injured in accidents assume that they do not need a GA personal injury lawyer. They rely on the insurance company to be fair and give them the correct amount of compensation. The problem with that attitude is that insurance companies are out to make money and they do not want to pay out to injured parties for any reason. They may try and trick you into saying that your injuries were not caused by their client or they may give you a low settlement and say that it is fair. A GA personal injury lawyer will work with the insurance company and fight them until you get a fair deal.


Getting a Lawyer After a Traffic Accident


Getting Compensated for Your Injuries