Atlanta Unsafe Road Lawyers

Other drivers usually cause car accidents, but in some cases they can actually be caused by the road itself. If you have been injured in a car wreck caused by an unsafe road, call the Atlanta car wreck attorneys at The Berry Law Group right now. An unsafe road can be cause by many things, from missing street signs to poor maintenance. If you are injured because of a problem with a road, we may be able to help you. The injuries associated with an unsafe road accident can be serious, so make sure you speak with an Atlanta a car wreck attorney in order to get compensation.

Dangerous road claims can be tricky, so it is important to get an experienced lawyer to help you. Receiving compensation from an unsafe road means having to deal with the Atlanta government. Generally the government cannot be held responsible for injuries, so certain qualifications must be met in order to get compensation for a dangerous road case. Attorney Kimberly Berry has experience getting justice for clients who have been involved in injuries due to government entities. Call our  Atlanta injury lawyers today in order to find out more.

Atlanta Dangerous Road Attorneys


A road can be considered dangerous for a number of reasons. Some of the most common include poor design, lack of signs or poor maintenance. Any section of street or road that is inherently dangerous can be considered an unsafe road. An example of a poorly maintained road being dangerous can happen when the guardrails over steep incline are left to decay and fall over. If a car needs to use them a s buffer, the guardrails actually provide no safety and the car may fall over the cliff. Another example would include a four way intersection with no stop signs or traffic lights. That leaves cars coming in from directions to believe that they have the right of way. If you feel that you were injured in an accident due to no driver fault, this is probably a case of an unsafe road. Call the Atlanta injury attorneys at The Berry Law Group to find out your legal options.

When you hire an injury lawyer from The Berry Law Group, you are getting a competent and hardworking personal injury attorney. We work hard to build your case by looking for others who were injured in the same intersection and any complaints about the road in past. We can use this evidence to show that the road is dangerous and cut through the red tape in order to get you compensation from the government. These cases often involve going to trial and presenting the evidence in front of a jury, so you should hire competent trial lawyer like Kimberly Berry. Ms. Berry is not afraid to take your case to court and convince the jury to give you a large award.

When you're hurt in a dangerous road accident or any type of auto accident, there is a wide range of injuries that you may suffer. Some common injuries include broken bones, back and neck injuries, shoulder and neck sprains, whiplash, brain injury, paralysis and more. All of these conditions can lead to a lifetime of pain and expensive medical bills. You may also suffer from lost wages from being unable to work and wrongful death in cases where a loved one is lost. An Atlanta car wreck lawyer from The Berry Law Group can help you get the best results for your injuries.

Atlanta Personal Injury Attorneys

If you have been injured in a car wreck caused by a dangerous road and are considering legal action, call us right now. Like any other type of claim, they are strict time limits to when a claim can be filed. When you contact our firm, an Atlanta personal injury lawyer can explain to you what your options are and how we can help. We know that this can be a difficult time for you and your family and we want to help you as much as possible. That's why we work build a strong case so you can get a fair settlement no matter what. Other law firms work to settle a case as quickly as possible, but we try to build your case and make sure you get nothing less than all of the money you deserve.

Our Atlanta injury attorneys know that you may be experiencing financial strain, that is why we do not charge a fee for our services up front. You have nothing to lose by hiring our experienced Atlanta personal injury attorneys because we only get paid if we win your case. If you have been hurt by dangerous road in Atlanta, we want you to know that you have options. Call us right now to learn more. When you hire our Atlanta injury attorneys, we handle the paperwork and we will deal with the government red tape so you can focus on getting better. Call us now to find out more!